An amazing stand-alone modality for the feet which can also include other modalities such as Cupping or Yoga in Building Block Sessions & Remedial Reflexology Massage.

First Session?
FREE +15 min. Upgrade*
Reflexology is an extremely relaxing, revitalizing and therapeutic treatment which uses the feet as a mirror for the structure & function of the entire body. Thumb pressure is applied to reflex points in order to assess and treat specific areas of imbalance, tender points indicating which corresponding part/s of the body are potentially congested.
By accessing and encouraging the body’s own innate healing mechanisms reflexology rebalances the body by calming over-active and stimulating under-active areas through the feet, a sensitive end point for some of the body’s major nervous & meridian (energy) networks.
I believe that creating an environment of deep relaxation is responsible for 90% of the beneficial results achieved through any form of complimentary therapy. Finding the appropriate amount of pressure for each individual client is one of the keys to achieving this.
Reflexology treatments use only a small amount of (talc-free) tea tree oil + cornstarch powder directly on the skin of the feet, ankles & calves which improves the sensation & application of the therapist’s thumb pressure.
Session lengths include at least a short consolation and assessment so please book a longer (Reflexology Deluxe) session especially if it's your first visit.
60 minutes | $140
For longer sessions scroll down to Reflexology Deluxe.
For a short 45 min. session or multi-modality sessions longer than 90 mins. please visit Building Block Sessions

"I always look forward to my Reflexology treatments with Chris - although I often don't remember a lot about them, as I often fall asleep during them. I always feel the benefit of the treatment though - improved well-being and relief from physical and emotional stress."
Amanda K.

For New & Regular Clients a Mobile Service to your home, workplace or accommodation priced as above INCLUDES a call-out fee for daytime sessions Monday - Friday.
*A +15 min. New & Regular Client Upgrade is available for first and subsequent appointments (each time they are re-booked within 30 days), for weekday daytime sessions of 60 mins. or longer received at my Coorabell Clinic.
e.g. receive 75 mins. for the price of 60 mins.
add a free bonus 15 mins. of Cupping, Moxibustion, Gua sha, Chi-nei-tsang or 15ml bottle of Australian Bush Flower Essences (value $30)
Evening, weekend or public holiday appointments may be available for an additional surcharge.

Reflexology Deluxe
Reflexology Deluxe builds on a holistic Reflexology session by utilizing extended and more varied relaxation techniques in order to access & release deeper layers of muscle, joint, tendon & ligament tension within the physical structure of the feet, ankles & calves.
Each session begins with a eucalyptus + salted foot bath, incorporates hot towel compresses and ends with an essential oil massage of the feet & calves. These extra features serve to further warm, relax and soften the feet (as well as the entire body), improving therapeutic access & treatment outcomes, as well as generally enhancing the overall Reflexology experience.
Problems such as tired, aching feet, fallen arches, bunions, bunionettes, hammer or mallet toes (including all joint problems of the feet & ankles), planter fasciitis or recovering sprained ankles can all be addressed via this specialized modality.
Both treatments also incorporate Shiatsu Acupressure based pressure points of the feet, ankles & calves, the combination of which are tailored for each individual client.
75 minutes | $170
90 minutes | $200
For a short 45 min. session or multi-modality sessions / treatment packages longer than 90 mins. please visit Building Block Sessions.
Please Contact Me for and exact price tailored to your exact requirements.
Please also visit