Upcoming Seasonal Yoga Class:
2017 Winter Solstice
Yoga Immersion:
Reflecting on the clarity,
stillness & silence within.
10am (-12noon)
on Saturday 24th June 2017
@ Yoga in St Kilda, 67 Argyle Street.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the coldest months of Winter relate to the Water Element energetics of the Kidneys (yin) & Bladder (yang), a time of 'hibernation', perfect for slowing down, becoming still and reflecting within.
Connect to the season and
improve your sense of wellbeing.
Join me for a morning of holistic practise; gentle active (yang) and passive (yin) Yoga movement, breathing, healing sound & relaxation.
"The quieter you become,
the more you can hear."
Ram Dass
This class welcomes all shapes, sizes, ages & levels of experience and focus more on promoting a positive experience of the practises within a safe, relaxing, peaceful, nurturing & non-intimidating environment.
Placements are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Payment is required in order to secure your place so please REGISTER NOW in order to have your place confirmed.
Pricing Structure:
$55 per student if paid by 16th June 2017 (space permitting),
$65 per student thereafter (space permitting).
Full payment must be received by Friday 23th June so please register now and I'll email you the details.
Price INCLUDES a seasonally prepared Australian Bush Flower Essence blend - designed to help you further align with the energetics of the season, enhance & prolong the beneficial effects of the practises in this session.
I hope to see you there!

See also About Me, About Saṁyoga,