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Welcome to my very own Blog!

Writer's picture: Christopher PotterChristopher Potter

Christopher Potter | Massage & Yoga | St Kilda, Melbourne.

Having received one too many unsolicited emails from web designers offering to do my the massive favour of overhauling my website, I've decided to take the bull by the horns and have a good go at it myself, starting with a big tidy up that includes adding in a few elements that I've been putting off for quite some time, including a blog... ta-dah!

Everything is ticking along well with us here in St Kilda, Melbourne, despite the slow crawl into the depths of Winter. I don't know if it's because I'm getting older, but I have to say this year was particularly difficult for me - my body feeling much more sensitive and susceptible to the cold weather than in previous years.

Pleased with my recently run Winter Solstice Yoga Class and thank you to all those that attended, the next will run for the Spring Equinox, 10am (-12noon) on Saturday 23rd September 2017. If you're keen to attend, please Contact Me ASAP in order to take advantage of the Early-Bird pricing structure and reserve one of the limited remaining places. For more info, please visit

At the moment I have two websites, one for Massage and the other for Yoga, and they are slowly evolving in a way that I hope will eventually better promote both of these service categories I offer out to the wider community. I'm mindful of keeping these posts short enough for people to actually read, and I plan to regularly post a whole lot of helpful tips and treasures, often with a seasonal theme that links into one or both of these categories, from the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and also from one of Yoga Philosophy.

If you're keen for a Shiatsu or Thai Acupressure (Remedial) Massage, Reflexology or Combination Therapy, stay tuned for a special offer commencing THIS Monday 3rd July!

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