Warm Up Your Winter 🙌🏻🔥
>>July MASSAGE Special Offer

Warm yourself this Winter from the ground up and the inside out.
I am a Professionally Registered Practitioner - that can offer Private Health Fund Rebates - with nearly 20 Years Experience.
>> Additionally, for the month of JULY, ALL my Shiatsu Acupressure Massage, Reflexology, Private Yoga Tuition & Combination Therapy also include:
• an Essential Oil & Magnesium Salt Foot Bath to get things started, and
• my pair of Warm Hands, a Warm Room, Electric Blanket and Hot Water Bottle adjusted to your perfect level of comfort.

>> PLUS, for your 1st session in July:
• a complimentary Cupping incorporated into your session OR a seasonally prepared Australian Bush Flower Essences blend, to take home with you and enhance the benefit of your session(s) into the days, weeks & months ahead.

This offer is for sessions received in July 2018 and available to both new AND exisiting clients; those who pay-as-you-go and those who (have) purchase(d) a 5x ($aving 10%) or 10x ($aving 15%) Treatment Series.
E-x-t-e-n-d-e-d Opening Hours for July:
9am-8pm Monday - Friday
+ 9am - 5pm on Saturday 14. July
Specific availability within those hours depends on my other commitments
with Windana, Launch Housing & Sacred Heart Mission,
as well as other client bookings - so get in quick and Contact Me
in order to secure your next appointment!
Gift Vouchers are also available.