Urban Wellness Retreat/s
We're hoping to run the next Urban Yoga Retreat in Spring 2017.
In the meantime, click here for more information on the upcoming Autumnal Equinox Yoga Immersion.
These upcoming Urban Wellness Retreats, run in together with Kelly Davies of Trikāya Yoga are unique 3.5 hour sessions designed to give you the opportunity to immerse into and align with the energetics of the season - perfect for those who want more out of their regular practise or for those who are for whatever reason unable to attend Weekly Yoga Classes - and will be divided into 2 or 3 mini sessions; a more energetic, active, yang session followed by a slower, passive, restorative, yin session - both focusing on specific practises, movements and parts / areas of the body that relate to each particular season. Traditional Haṭha Yoga practises such as asana (posture), pranayama (breath), mudra (gesture) & mantra (sound) integrated with the seasonally appropriate philosophies of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
Limited placements means that bookings are essential - so please REGISTER NOW to help me keep track of student numbers and to reserve your place.
As part of this event you will receive a companion, seasonally themed Australian Bush Flower Essence blend - designed to both enhance & prolong the beneficial effects of this unique immersion.
See also About Me, About Saṁyoga,